Men’s Health Month

Men’s Health Month

Throughout June, Men’s Health Month aims to encourage boys and men to take charge of their overall health by implementing healthy living decisions.

When we consider men and their health very few take it seriously enough to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and treat the systemic spread of disease. With heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Pancreatic Cancer, and Prostate inflammation increasing more among our men there is indeed a need for concern.

Interestingly we also celebrate Father’s Day in the month of June, which should not be overlooked as Fathers/brothers/uncles/granddads/sons /men play an integral role in the household and family. Fathers, like mothers, are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. Children look to their fathers to lay down the rules and enforce them. They also look to their fathers to provide a feeling of security, both physical and emotional. Men were intended to be the head of the home and also be the main provider. Although this is not always the case as many have chosen other paths, however, the absence of a father is indeed deeply felt and cannot be replaced.


Still, men persist in ignoring their bodies and neglecting their overall health, until they are practically dragged into the healthcare facility by those who show more concern than they do. However, most times when they’re brought in irreversible damage has already been done.


There are quite a few things you can do to help Dad as Father’s Day nears—and even more that all of us can do to help men all year.


  • Encourage him to get a physical– Most of the factors that contribute to men’s shorter, less healthy lives are preventable. And that prevention starts with seeing a healthcare provider on a regular basis.


  • Encourage him to get physical-The benefits of physical activity on health are extensive, and many people find it difficult to get motivated on their own. Rather than simply telling your dad to exercise and then hoping that he will, do it with him.


  • Let him know you care-One reason men disregard their own health is that they’re too busy taking care of everyone else. What they don’t realize, however, is that if they die early, they’ll be hurting the very people they’ve worked so hard to protect.


At Adams Healthcare our clientele is 95% women as we run a gynecology office, however, we still do see men, and our in-house laboratory runs all sorts of tests and screenings. We are encouraging men to show up for themselves and their families in a big way in June, showing up by doing their health checks and screenings and getting up and physically active every day. We are admonishing men to add to their life spans by being proactive and taking the lead in living not only hardworking lives but healthy, happy, and long lives.